Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wedding Wednesday... The Ponytail Dairies

The ponytail has been a worldwide phenomenon for decades.
Not only is it the most diverse hairstyle in the world but it's a style that is appropriate for anyone despite your age.
The ponytail was considered an informal style during the Georgian period (1714-1830) because women didn't wear it outside of the boudoir. 
Europe has been the continent which most of American fashion is modeled after and the ponytail is no exception.
Last week was the kickoff to New York fashion week (spring/summer 2015), which many 
(including myself)  look forward to veiwing the new hot trends for the following season. 
Not only am I looking at the clothing that's coming down the runway but I'm checking out the hair trends as well. 
Hair is one of the most important decisions that are made before the runway shows. It's important because you want to be able to properly convey the tone for the garment. It's all about interpretation. The designer is trying to paint a picture. 
They want people to walk away visualizing themselves in the garments. 
I chose to focus on ponytails because I saw some super cool looks on and off the runway. 
Here are some of my favorite looks...

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